7 Daily Habits Of Self made Millionaires

Rahul Patel


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Daily Habits Of Millionaires

Hello Friends,
Brain Tracy was Poor in his Childhood, And he had a fantasy to become a millionaire Before 30.
But he wasn’t able to become a millionaire till his thirties, In fact, he was Financially Struggling.
At that time he started thinking, like what mistakes he is doing because of which he isn’t getting success,
Hence he started searching the reason which makes other people millionaire like what are the secrets which make a person millionaire,
what are the things which make an average poor person a millionaire? He started searching for an answer to all these questions.
He studied this topic for years, and he came to know many things like this (era) is the best time to become a millionaire.
Because nowadays due to a lot of opportunities, there are more millionaires compare to earlier.
He came to know many secrets and answers for his questions after applying it even be able to become successful.
He came to know that most of millionaires have some specific qualities, habits, and behavior that help them to become a millionaire.
Which is missing in most of normal people Even he didn’t have it, that’s why he wasn’t getting success But the best part is,
we can learn these millionaire qualities and can develop them within us and can become a millionaire.
So today I will share some qualities and habits of millionaires that came to know after a lot of research developing those qualities and habits within you even you can become successful so let’s begin.


The very first step is To DREAM and to have the courage and strength to dream big dreams.
sadly very few able to dream even though it is so easy. You notice by yourself, that most of the people don’t even think to dream big if you talk to them about big dreams,
they will either avoid it or else make fun of it. they keep limits for dreams as well, hence it is the reason they never able to achieve anything big in their life.
The author says you dream big, doing this can use the technique known as Back from the Future.
which is used by many successful people using this what you must do it, imagine yourself 5 years ahead in life, Imagine your life has become perfect in every aspect,
Imagine how will be your perfect life look? what you will be doing in Your perfect life? what work you will be doing?
what amount will be there in your bank account? how will be your lifestyle? etc, imagine everything properly and nicely.
With the use of this exercise the more you imagine your perfect life related to health wealth and happiness,
The more close you and your dream will reach each other Hence do keep this quality of a millionaire in you and start dreaming big.

No,2 ) Self-Employed

Let’s take one example. When Jadhav molai was 16 years old, at that time Assam was hit by tsunami after which molai noticed,
Due to Barren land, The population of birds, reptiles and various animals was declining, this think worried him, he felt broken,
So he thought to his elders by asking them what will happen if without trees even we started decreasing just like birds and animals?
listening to molai, everyone started laughing at him and advised him not to worry, But still, molai was worried,
Hence he told the forest department who paid no heed and told him to plant trees instead. after which, without taking anybody’s help,
Molai himself took the responsibility to change the situation and started planting a sapling to that barren land he used to do it daily,
every single day and he continued it till 3 decades means thirty years result of such hard work is,
Today that barren land has become 1360 acre forest which is now known as Molai Forest which is now home to Bengal tigers,
Rhinoceros more than 100 Deers, rabbits, elephants, and varieties of species This is a power of one man’s responsibility so stop blaming.
Most of the failures do not able to achieve anything big in their life because they always blame or think someone else is responsible for their situation and conditions,
Either Government, Neighbours, Relatives, etc they get somebody to blame And this blaming attitude is the biggest enemy of their dreams.
Because if someone thinks that everything which is happening in their life is because of someone else then due to this attitude that person will never take any action,
Because as per them there is nothing in their control, and thus they can’t do anything about it Whereas on the other side,
A person who always takes responsibility for everything that is happening in their life starts taking actions to start searching for solutions and no matter how bad the situation is that.
The responsible person will always make the situation better by taking various actions which is the most powerful thing,
Trust me Attitude of taking Responsibility has the ability and strength to change the world and becoming a millionaire in front of it is a very small thing,
hence always take responsibility for your life and of your doings.

№3) Work harder and longer

If you really want to become a millionaire, the author asks you to follow 40 plus formulae.
This formula says, if you work around 40 hours a week, then you are just doing your duty just like many which only helps you to live an average life.
But hours you spend over those 40 hours, those extra hard work and efforts will decide How much success you’ll become example normal people always want to work 5 days in a week,
And, not more than 8 hours whereas on the other side if you see self-made millionaires they work on an average of 59 hours a week some even worked for 7o to 80 hours.
That too without taking any holidays and this hard work paid them very well made them a millionaire and bring them to a position where they can take holidays for a month and can go to a world tour that too without any worries.
Do remember your success depends on those extra hours and on your hard work the more you do hard work the more successful.
you will become Never get afraid of going extra miles compares to others because in that extra miles you will not get much traffic will not get much competition,
hence never get afraid of doing more hard work this will not only make you a respectable person but also increase your chances of becoming a millionaire.

№4) Dedicate yourself to Life Long Learning.

Most People Think that after school or college learning and education end and then work-life starts and they need to work to earn money.
But self-made millionaires understand that the actual learning starts after college life.
Hence they always value lifetime learning Author says,
Life-Long Learning is the minimum requirement to become a self-made millionaire.
Learning is the most important thing in this fast-changing and growing world.
Earlier when people used to have more lands they were counted as rich Then Industrialisation came, people who had more factories were counted as rick.
But Today is the Information age, and people who have more information, knowledge have better chances and capabilities to become rich(millionaire).
Hence you must have seen mostly self-made millionaires keep on gaining knowledge and information they listen and read books or they learn through mentors.
so that their knowledge always increases and can grab the right opportunity at the right time Hence even the author suggests to us that,
to give at least an hour or 1 hour towards learning and gaining knowledge which you can do through various mediums like reading or listening books or by listening useful podcats.
learning through mentors or by watching various useful videos etc and if you find hard to remove time then you can take information through audio format,
Which you can do by doing a lot of other works, for example, an average person wastes most of his time in traveling and in traffic, instead of wasting your time in that traffic you can gain knowledge through audio format.
This thing will take you ahead compare to normal people and put you under the millionaire category.

№5) Power Of honesty

Suppose you have two friends. One who always lies for every small thing and not trustworthy at all whereas your other friend who never lies no matter how big the thing is.
Now suppose the situation arises When you have to choose a business partner amongst your two friends so who will you choose?
Or who will be wise to work with?
well apart from business, Just generally to whom you can trust more. Obviously the one who never lies,
in fact, is someone who is not even your friend and belongs to other religious caste or anything if you know that the other person is the trustworthy and loyal person you will be for sure comfortable and happy working with such person.
Similarly for every human and to create a successful business trust is the most important and major factor because people like to do business or want to help people,
who is trustworthy and genuine and also buy products or services from such trustworthy and genuine people or company.
The author says any personal success depends on the number of people who have trust in you,
The more the people trust you the more the chances you have to become successful and the best way to gain that trust is to always be truthful and genuine keeping your integrity and avoiding not to lie no matter what the situation is.
This thing will help you in the long term and people will respect you and this thing also gives you a lot of opportunities to become a millionaire You can do an experiment which would be like this,
suppose if this world is looking at you all the time, and the way you behave and do things the same way they do it by getting inspired to you,
Then how you will behave? hopefully, you will behave like a perfect genuine person the same way you must and have to behave now as well.
because this quality for sure help you to become a millionaire

№6) Speed and dependability

Amazon has calculated, their page load becomes slow just for a second they have to face 1.6 billion loss every year.
After Google Research they came to know if their speed search decreases just for the fourth tenth of a second then their 8 million searches per day decreases.
These examples show how fast the expecting world we are living in.
It is said that the 21st century real and new money is time and millionaire billionaires understand this very well.
Hence they always value there’s as well as others’ time however normal people don’t understand the value of time.
Millionaires always try to increase the speed of their work so that they can get more output at a lesser time whereas normal people waste their time While working.
And this is the main reason they do not move ahead in life if someone can finish 1-hour work at 30 min everyone will go to that person for their work compare to that 1-hour working person,
No matter if 1-hour person is their friend also hence always try to become like a millionaire,
who always receives compliments for their speed work and people can depend on you for their work this quality can make you successful easily

№7) Get Around the Right People

85 percent of life’s happiness and success depends on the quality of relationships you form with others in your personal and professional life.
Meaning the more you know people personally and the more others know you positively,
the more chances you will have to move ahead in life here I am not saying that without relations or acquaintance, you can’t grow in your life,
But I am saying suppose you want to crack a deal with a company and suppose that company owner or manager is your friend don’t you think that cracking that deal can become easier for you?
Relations or networking can be very beneficial for you to grow in your life that too in speed because in life’s every turning point,
you can have someone who can help you positively to grow and move ahead in life and the more you have a connection,
the more you have chances to get the right person at the right time, who can help you grow.
Now if you want to form good and more connections with people,
This can help you in your future so for it, the most important thing is you need to form go giver kind of mentality instead of a go-getter mentality meaning,
Most of people think and try to get more benefits from the other person but this kind of attitude is usually not liked by the opposite person and this doesn’t allow to form a good connection,
so what you need to do is to become go, a giver, like try to add more value in other’s life, try to help them or give them gifts,
try to do anything good without thinking of getting anything in return and once you are able to do this,
you will start forming good connections which will for sure help you in your future and becoming a millionaire can become easy for you These were the 7 secrets.
Thank You!!
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Posted Aug 9, 2023

"Explore habits that drive self-made millionaires to success: insights into daily routines for wealth accumulation and personal growth."






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