Virtual try-on and cloth recommendation mobile app

Valentin Forestier

Data Scientist
Mobile Engineer
AI Developer
Enjoying working on side projects, and finding it difficult to decide which cloth to buy, I decided to create a virtual try-on and clothing recommendation application inspired by dating app interfaces. The frontend was built with react native and the backend in python. The recommendation algorithm is realized using an NLP model and the virtual fitting has been implemented using the work done in this article
Other features have been implemented, such as a secure user system, a smart filtering system, and I have developed an AR try-on feature for rings using OpenCV.
The project has been deployed using Firebase, Atlas, and GCP App Engine.
This project was very rewarding, as it enabled me to reinforce my skills in terms of interfaces and security. I think the concept of my application is of great value, and although the project is on hold for the moment because of a lack of time and budget, I hope one day to be able to market it.
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