The logo on a transparent gem purple and love red gradient bg with people expressing love beneath (holding hands, resting head atop the other's shoulder)
The brand vision & mission
The logo mockup (vertical & horizontal) on a gem purple and love red gradient bg
The logo mark at the center; the logo at the top left, the logo at the bottom right; and the bg split diagonally into white bg and gem purple + love red gradient bg
The logo mark at the center; the logo at the top left, the logo at the bottom right; and the bg split diagonally into white bg and black bg
The logomark on a white bg and a gem purple + love red bg (the bg is split into two horizontally).
The logomark on a white bg and a black bg (the bg is split into two horizontally).
A love red female illustration and a gem purple male illustration facing each other within kissing distance.
The logo concept
The brand colours
The brand extended colours
The brand typography
The brand guidelines
Graphic elements
Duplicates of the logo mark intricately placed across a gem purple + love red bg