WANDERING WEDNESDAY- EDUCATION IN SPAIN KidswithoutABox is focusing on the education system in Spain. Some quick and relevant facts will be mentioned in the course of this article. In Spain, children do not necessarily need to be fluent in the Spanish language, since provisions are in place to help them learn the language. Those within the age range of 6 - 16 are expected to have compulsory education but it is not extended to the university, as that is a matter of choice. If you are having an extended stay in Spain, it is advisable to enrol your child in a local school so as to be integrated in the Spanish culture and language. Although, older ones could experience difficulty in learning the language. The international schools are preferable so they can be taught in English language, although they are quite expensive. Both the children and educators enjoy long holidays, after an ideal school session which runs from mid-June to mid-September.
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