Expert Google Ads Setup with GTM & GA4

Damani Duggan

Digital Marketer
Search Engine Marketing
Digital Marketing Specialist
Google Ads
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager

Industry: Eviction Service


Location: Florida

Goals: Client wanted 20 leads per month at a $75 cost per lead.

Result: 3 Conversions Per Day at a $40 cost per lead within 2 weeks of setup

Process: First, we conducted a thorough discussion of the client's goals and when they were looking to achieve them by. We then agreed to an outline of deliverables and their due dates.

Project Deliverables for this project:

1) Account Setup:

Created and configured Google Ads, Tag Manager, and Google Analytics 4 accounts.

Connected the Google ecosystem to the backend of WordPress website.

Integrated Google Ads with both Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 for seamless tracking and reporting.

2) Conversion Tracking Setup:

Set up conversion goals and events in Google Analytics 4 for phone calls and lead forms submitted.

Configured Google Tag Manager to track important user interactions and conversions such as phone calls and submitted lead forms.

Advanced conversion implementation for the highest ROI such as Enhanced Conversions and Offline Conversion Tracking.

3) Keyword Research:

Conducted thorough keyword research to identify high-performing and relevant keywords for your business.

Analyzed competition and search trends to optimize keyword selection.

Created a detailed keyword strategy to target their audience effectively.

Added negative keywords such as irrelevant services and non-commercial search terms.

4) Account Hygiene:

Set up remarketing audiences.

Set up audiences for people who searched for target keywords and visitors of competitor's websites.

Accepted terms and conditions for enhanced conversions, phone calls, lead forms, and more.

5) Campaign Creation and Launch:

Set up and launched Google Ads campaigns tailored to business goals.

Properly segmented Search campaigns for best performance i.e. Branded Search, Non-Branded, Competitor Search.

Set up Display Remarketing campaign to follow non-converters that visited the website.

Created segmented ad groups for precise targeting and better performance.

Defined budget allocation, audience targeting, and bidding strategies for optimal ROI.

6) Ad Copy and Creative Development:

Wrote compelling and engaging Google Search ad copy that drives clicks and conversions.

Developed eye-catching creatives for Display campaigns.

Ensured all ads adhere to Google Ads policies and best practices such as multiple ad extensions, a variety of images, headlines, descriptions, and logos for Google to choose from.

Project Timeline: 1 Week

Days 1-2: Initial consultation, account setup, and integration with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4.

Days 3-4: Keyword research and campaign planning.

Days 5-6: Ad copywriting, creative development, and campaign setup.

Day 7: Campaign launch and optimization of any last minute issues.

Ready to take your Google Ads campaigns to the next level? Contact me today to discuss your project and start seeing results!

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