Email Sequencing and Call Scripting For Outbound Sales

Summer Evans


Business Development Specialist

Lead Generator

Content Writer


Google Apps


Adgile Media Group
8 touch Playbook
1.) Phone call. (If unanswered leave voicemail)
Hi {First name},
My name is Summer with the Adgile Media Group. 
I know that you are busy, so I will make this quick so you can get back on the road.
We were at (name of conference) in Miami recently and we were told that you may be running a route there. We were just wondering if maybe $400 a month to help out with gas would be something you could use. 
 I already sent over an email with all of the program details. Can you pull that up now {first name}? 
This program is straightforward and we are already helping drivers at Penske and (XYZ Moving) to lower their monthly expenses during each 3-month campaign they help us with. Do you have any questions, {first name}? No then let’s get you scheduled for the wrap.
(If they seem hesitant or start to refuse, say this)
Now, I wanna make sure you get all the information you need so you are secure in knowing we are serious, here. 
So let’s pick a day and I can give you the run down. 
I promise, I don’t bite. I’ll be out of your hair in no time!  
Great! Can’t wait! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions in the meantime. 
Thanks! Have a nice ride!
No Answer Voicemail Script: 
Hey {name},
This is Summer with Adgile Media Group. I’m calling you because we missed you at the Miami (trucker conference name). We had a booth showing off our truck-side advertising, I sent you an email with an attachment detailing our offer. 
Our offer is already helping drivers at Pentske and (XYZ company) lower their monthly costs by $400 a month, we pay them to run their same route, and we do all the hard work for you, for each month of the 3-month campaign they help us with. 
So, {first name} if you don’t have any questions are you ready to move forward now, and schedule the installation? If yes, book it. 
Have a good one!
If no, find out what else he needs and get him that info, and schedule next step. 
2.) Email #1:
Subject Line: Catch Miami Truck Convention?
Hey {First name},
Adgile was just at the Miami (name of conference) for box truckers talking about our truck side advertising, and I know that you run a route in our next campaign area. Hey (first name), does and extra $400 a month, for the next three months, help to offset gas costs. 
I’m so sorry (name)! I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Summer, with the Adgile Media Group.
I’ve already sent you an email going over our offer. Can you pull it up? I’m going to drop the link for my calendar here because I know you’ll have questions.
I look forward to putting a little extra money in your pocket!
Have a great day!
PS I know you are wondering. . .No, you don’t have to adjust your route at all, and I have a GPS tool too.
3.) 2nd phone call:
Never reached them script: 
Hey {name},
This is Summer with Adgile Media Group. I’m calling you because we missed you at the Miami (trucker conference name). We had a booth showing off our truck-side advertising, I sent you an email with an attachment detailing our offer. 
Our offer is already helping drivers at Pentske and (XYZ company) lower their monthly costs by $400 a month, we pay them to run their same route, and we give them access to our GPS tool, for each month of the 3-month campaign they help us with. 
So, {first name} if you don’t have any questions are you ready to move forward now, and schedule the installation?
4.) Email # 2
Hey {first name},
Did you see that email I sent you? Can you open it right now? Adgile’s offer is straightforward, do you have any questions I can answer? What would you do with the $400 each month? Wanna pocket that cash?
If yes, book it! Here’s my calendar(insert calendar link).
5.) Reminder Email 
Subject line: Re: More money in your pocket
Hey {first name}, 
Summer with Adgile Media group again, just wanted to remind you that the 400 a month is on the table if you’re interested. Keep in mind, we do all the work too! Let me know when you can park and get back to me, my (calendar) is free for a few days.
Sending you this email one pager again. (Insert detailed document)
So, {first name} if you don’t have any questions are you ready to move forward now, and schedule the installation?
6.) Text message: Two-part message. The second message sends after a delay (15mins - 1 hr)  after the first message
Message #1
Hi (name), 
It’s Summer, with the Adgile Media group. Not sure if you got my email or not. It’s the one with the offer of $400 a month for our ad placement. If you think you could use the extra cash, I’d be happy to talk to you about that when you have the time. I know you’re a busy person so I won’t hold you up here.
Message #2 (after a slight delay)
Don’t be shy, now! 
Note: The purpose of sending two texts is to just make sure that they are compelled to do a doubletake and backtrack to the first message. Truck drivers are usually very busy and often in a rush. If it were me, I know I would glance at the first message and not pay much attention. I would most likely dismiss it or overlook the details and forget it quickly. When you send a second message that’s really short and may seem to be a little pushy or demanding, it would mean that I may know this person. It’s not the normal message I would expect to get from a business. They will be curious as to who is talking to them this way, but it still upholds the respect that is desired between the two parties. Plus I have that southern accent that would really make this work! Sassy but sweet!
7.) Phone Call: (No answer)
Hey (name). It’s Summer again. 
I just figured, better safe than sorry, so I just wanted to try one more time. If you are interested in Adgile’s $400 monthly payments my number is (state number).
Safe travels, and again, this is Summer. With Adgile Media Group  
(state phone number)
8.) Final email:
Subject Line: We’re gonna be rolling on now…
Hey (name), 
So I am assuming that you are not considering our offer. 
Hey, that’s ok though! We just wanted to be sure we did everything we could to show our support and give you that chance to score some extra funds for your traveling needs! It was worth a shot! Just remember, we got your back. Feel free to reach out if you ever change your mind. Stop by and see us if you’re ever in the neighborhood.
All the best,
Summer Evans
Adgile Media Group
NOTE: Just wanted to mention again, Google Maps is a very interesting way to help spread the word here! This fits really well with your industry as well. These truck drivers are more than likely going to need directions and such, at some point. Also, google maps is also used to discover and find businesses that are related to the search topic that they enter. When they search moving companies, delivery companies, etc., then your information can be displayed along with this to peak interest.  Why not make that known through maps? That would be a win in my opinion.
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Posted Jul 18, 2023

Email sequence and call scripting for lead generation via outbound tech sales. This project was for an ad tech media marketing company.






Business Development Specialist

Lead Generator

Content Writer


Google Apps


Summer Evans

Copywriter & Marketer: Boosting Brand Recognition

AR Learning Experiences
AR Learning Experiences
Lead Generation through Content Marketing
Lead Generation through Content Marketing
Lead Generation via Outbound Sales
Lead Generation via Outbound Sales