The Sparkle Bar | Graphic Design

Bianca Berg


Graphic Designer

Print Designer

Brand Strategist

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop


About the project

The Sparkle Bar is a makeup studio located in Arizona, USA. They are a fun, fabulous, and extremely talented group of makeup artists.
Over the past 2 years, The Sparkle Bar was invited to attend the Magic Trade Show in Las Vegas, USA. They were given a stand to promote their brand and offer free make-up looks to everyone at the trade show. To match their bubbly and sassy personality, they required collateral that was beautiful and sparkly (😉).
Together, we created some stunning assets for their brand to be handed out at the trade show.

The Goal

The goal of this project is to create some fun, nostalgic, bright and beautiful assets that The Sparkle Bar can take to their Magic Trade Show. They will be handing these assets out to people, wearing them and putting them on display.
The running theme for all these designs was to create a positive vibe/energy around beauty, being a sparkle babe (of course) and having self love!
The sparkle in us recognises the sparkle in you - The Sparkle Bar

2022 Las Vagas Magic Trade Show

Pride Badges

These badges are designed to be given out with the card behind it. It reassures that The Sparkle Bar is accepting of everyone!


These are designed to be used as stickers or as badges and are designed to be displayed individually to hand out.

Zodiac Cards

These zodiac cards are designed to make people feel special and bring about that mystical magical effect. Each person can find their zodiac sign and keep the card!

2023 Magic Trade Show


These designs can be used as stickers and badges / pins!
The main theme of the designs, being sparkles and stars, is a mix between The Sparkle Bar and one of the main themes of Magic, which is a cosmic shift. This is a literal and metaphorical take on the cosmic shift.
All of the wording has been carefully chosen to represent the cosmic shift by showing the transformation into a new year, new mindset and new beginnings.

Shakti Tote Bag

This design resonates with femininity and feminine power. Female empowerment is a key theme in Magic this year.
Having this definition displayed on the front of someone’s tote bag shows not only that they have divine feminine energy but that they are also supportive of the female community.
Pairing the definition with this female graphic, allows the viewer to envision the feminine cosmic energy and feel the magical aura around them.

T-Shirt Design

I’ve got my own little magic!
The phrase "I've got my own little magic" not only speaks to the name of the trade show, but also serves as a positive affirmation for The Sparkle Bar. It's a powerful statement used by those who believe in themselves and their unique abilities. The phrase is prominently displayed on the front of the shirt, making it easy for makeup clients to read while the makeup artist works their magic.
This serves as a reminder for clients to embrace their own unique talents and abilities.
The Sparkle Bar Roadmap
On the back of the t-shirt, is a roadmap of The Sparkle Bar’s journey, resembling a constellation in the sky.
When the makeup artist is wearing this shirt and beautifying someone’s face, the people passing by or watching from behind will have a beautiful story to read. This way, the purpose, message and story of The Sparkle Bar can be clearly seen and passed on to others.
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Posted Aug 29, 2023

The goal of this project is to create some fun, nostalgic, bright and beautiful assets that The Sparkle Bar can take to their Magic Trade Show!






Graphic Designer

Print Designer

Brand Strategist

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop


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