How to Create Google Login using Google Auth API with React.js

Makinde Mercy

Web Designer
Frontend Engineer
Technical Writer
Tailwind CSS

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Before signing up or logging into any account can feel like a thorn in the flesh. There are so many details to input, and sometimes these registration processes can be time-consuming or lead to frustration. But have you ever wondered why this is the case?
To make things easier for users, Google introduced an Auth API to help streamline these lengthy registration processes to be as simple as clicking a button on any application, allowing you to get started right away.

Brief overview of Google Auth API

What is the Google Auth API? The Google Auth API is a service offered by Google to simplify the registration and login procedures on applications. It enables users to verify their identity by using their Google account details. If you have a Google account(Gmail), the login information you used to make your Gmail account will automatically apply when signing up for any app.

In this article, you will learn how to create a Google login with Google Auth API.


knowledge in React.js hooks such useState
A text editor and browser
Install React using either Create React app or Vite
Know how to use CSS frameworks

Required Packages

Setting up Google Auth API

Creating a project in the Google Cloud Console

Navigate to Google Cloud Console and Sign up using
Click on APIs & Services under Quick Access
Click on NEW PROJECT to create a new project
After creating your new project, open the project and click on OAuth consent screen on the left-hand side of the page as seen below👇
Click on External and Create as seen in the picture above 👆
Add your App information
a. Add your app name and User support Email, you can use your email or your company email.
b. You can add your App logo and App domain including links to privacy policy and term of use if any or ignore it
c. add your developer's contact information and Click on Save and Continue
Ignore the Scope and Click on Save and Continue
Ignore Test Users and click on Save and Continue

Generating OAuth client ID and client secret

After creating your OAuth consent screen, you can now proceed to generate app credentials through these steps.

Click on Credentials on the left side of your dashboard and click on + CREATE CREDENTIALS
After clicking on + Create Credentials, you are going to see a popup, select OAuth client ID
Select any application type of your choice and add
Next, click on ADD URL under Authorized Javascript Origins to add your local server port and custom URL
Do the same for Authorized redirect URLs
Click on Save and you will see a pop-up that displays your client ID and client secretCongratulationson you've successfully generated your Client ID and Client Secret 🎊🎉

Setting up a new project in React.js

Creating a new project structure

After installing React, clear out the written code App.jsx/js to have an empty file like this: 👇
This is where other components will be displayed. In part two of this lesson, the routing will happen here.

Installing necessary dependencies

Install all the required packages in your project. using the following command line
Axios : npm i axios
React Icons: npm i react-icons
React Oauth Google : npm i @react-oauth/google
To verify its installation, inspect the package.json file to confirm if you have something like this 👇

Implementing Google login in React.js

Creating an ENV file

Create an .env file in your project
Copy your Client ID from the cloud console under Credential
Store the ID to the variable //FOR vite user VITE_CLIENT_ID = //YOUR CLIENT ID //for create-react-app user REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID = //YOUR CLIENT ID

Wrapping App with Google OAuth Provider

Inside your Main.jsx or Index.js file, Imports the GoogleOAuthProvider component from the @react-oauth/google library, which helps integrate Google OAuth functionality into your application. import { GoogleOAuthProvider } from '@react-oauth/google'
wrap your app with the Google OAuth Provider <GoogleOAuthProvider clientId={import.meta.env.VITE_CLIENT_ID}> {/* Components using Google OAuth */} <App /> </GoogleOAuthProvider>

Creating a Google login button component

Created a new file and named it Login.jsx under the src folder
Import the following packages to the Login.jsx import axios from "axios"; import { useGoogleLogin } from "@react-oauth/google"; import { FcGoogle } from "react-icons/fc";
import axios from "axios" : This line imports the axios library, a popular tool for making HTTP requests in JavaScript applications. It allows you to fetch data from APIs or servers.
import { useGoogleLogin } from "@react-oauth/google": This line imports the useGoogleLogin hook from the @react-oauth/google library. This library simplifies integrating Google Sign-In functionality into your React application. The useGoogleLogin hook provides a way to trigger Google Sign-In and handle the user's response.
import { FcGoogle } from "react-icons/fc" : This line imports the FcGoogle component from the react-icons/fc library. This library provides access to a collection of icons (including Google) that can be easily integrated into your React components. The FcGoogle component specifically renders the Google icon.
Create a Functional component const Login = () => { // ... component logic };
This line declares a functional React component named Login. Functional components are a way to create reusable UI elements in React by defining a function that returns JSX (JavaScript XML) describing the UI structure.
Integrate Google login inside the Login function const login = useGoogleLogin({ onSuccess: async (response) => { try { const res = await axios.get( "", { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${response.access_token}` }, } ); console.log(; } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }, });
Button with Google Icon return ( <div className="flex justify-center items-center my-[300px]"> <button onClick={login} className="flex bg-black rounded-xl"> <FcGoogle style={{ fontSize: "30px", marginRight: "10px" }} /> Login with Google </button> </div> );
This section defines the JSX returned by the Login component.
Exporting the Component: export default Login;
Import the Login component in your App. jsx file to render the component on the screen. import Login from './Login' function App() { return ( <> <Login /> </> ) } export default App


open your terminal and run the following command
npm run dev
Click on the Localhost to open the local server
click on the button, sign in by adding your Google account and accept the condition


In conclusion, we have successfully implemented Google login using the Google Auth API in React.js. In the upcoming part two of this tutorial, we will utilize the user details obtained during the login process to create a dashboard for the user.
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