My Favorite Designs

Naima Kania


Social Content Designer

Presentation Designer

Canva Designer




While I have many more design projects to showcase, listing them all would be a bit too long. So, I’ll just share my top three favorites! (Some of my other favorites are from my projects in EcoSchool and Anak EduKasih.)


Business Pitch Slides

Last year, I had the wonderful opportunity to take a business course called Environmental & The Law. For our final project, we worked in groups to develop a business idea that was both profitable and environmentally friendly. We also researched the laws of the countries where our business would operate, analyzing how they could either support or pose challenges to our venture. This explains why the final part of our presentation includes a brief mention of EU laws.
Here, I’ll share the design of my group’s presentation (with some content modified).

Magazine Design

Before committing to EcoSchool, I was part of my school’s student publication. It was a fun experience because the topics and aesthetics changed every month. This was one of my proudest works, as it was an article I deeply related to, and I poured a lot of time and effort into its design. And yes—it ended up being loved by many <3

Case Study Presentation

I also worked on a case study presentation for my marketing class about Ariel in India. Once again, I can't share much of the content since it's a case study from my school, but here’s a look at the presentation design!
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Posted Feb 10, 2025

Here are my top three favorite designs I've done! Please enjoy :D






Social Content Designer

Presentation Designer

Canva Designer



My Works at EcoSchool
My Works at EcoSchool
My Works at Anak EduKasih
My Works at Anak EduKasih