AR filter "Day in the life of a Designer" 🎨

Komal Khandelwal

Graphic Designer
AR/VR Developer
Instagram Creator
Adobe Illustrator

Hey there, fellow creatives! 🎨

Guess what? I've got something exciting for you all!

Access the filter here:

Introducing my latest filter, "Day in the Life of a Designer," designed to sprinkle some extra fun and artistic flair into your posts! I'm super stoked to witness the content you'll craft with it. 🫶

Curious? Go ahead and give it a try.

You'll find the filter right in the "Filter ✨" section on my profile. I can't wait to hear your thoughts and see the incredible things you create! 🤩

P.S. Brands looking to bring some AR charm to their projects, let's team up!

Drop me a message and let's make some filter magic together

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