Artem Gryn
SasS application that allow users to purchase mainly mobile devices with a part payment method. Internal banking application that is a "bridge" between customer-bank-seller. AWS based.
Product: internal name "pay-by-parts" for Telia
Goal: allow users make a purchase of the consumer electronics via seller portal or store and integrates with a bank.
SaaS application should be integrated into re-seller portals as a result it leads to flexibility in the UI configuration
big amount of external integrations
banking and legal compliance
Application AWS diagram:
All microservices deploys with Kubernetes on the EC2 machines, traffic goes through elastic load balancer also we are using Lambda like a proxy to the in-house databases.
Services used:
Load balancer
Service diagram:
Due to the nature of the business application requires big amount external integration with digital signature providers, compliance systems, credit-scoring systems, accounting, corporate data analytics etc..
Also good to mention that system deployed in multiple countries and follows DORA, GDPR and other compliance requirements.
Reseller portal/store: any online store or physical store can perform full purchase or initiate purchase and user can complete it on his phone. Our agent represented by ReactJS application in the iframe
API: Kotlin application, includes main routes and business logic
Microservices: mainly Spring Boot applications for different purposes such as credit-check, agreement generation, personal data processing. Also integration with external systems: data analytics, national population registry etc...
Authentication: integration with different national digital signature providers