He awoke to the back room of an apothecary. He was lying, stomach up, on a table, a large, late middle aged man sitting beside him. He had a jug of water and scraps of bread. Eldric sat up, and the man presented the food. Eldric devoured the bread, and took large gulps of water. By the next day, his condition had greatly improved. He talked to the man, who introduced himself as Shopkeeper Thomas. His hair was grey and he had a large belly. Stout, and a little dowdy, he had a stern face adorned with a thick grey moustache that obscured half his face. He owned the apothecary, and on his daily walk noticed Eldric collapsed, and rejuvenated him. As recompense, Eldric would work for Shopkeeper Thomas until he repaid his debt. Eldric agreed on the spot, and begun work immediately.