Hair Salon | Elevate Salon

Beth Dueck

Brand Designer
Web Designer
Adobe Illustrator

Overview 🔎

Kimberly, is a local hairdresser in Kamloops, British Columbia. She strives to stay highly educated and on top of the next best thing in the hair industry with continued learning and growing behind the chair. She wanted a site that really felt like her and wanted to feel proud to have her clients and potential students explore it too.

Problem & Solution 🤝

Kimberly felt like her website and brand needed a refresh. She was looking to introduce new education for hairdressers and wanted a fresh new look to begin marketing her mentorship program. Through refreshing her brand, website and social media graphics, using Canva, Adobe Illustrator and Showit for web design, we came to a beautiful new site that reflected her style and was strategically planned to attract her ideal clients and potential students.

Process 🛣

Starting with a discovery meeting, Kimberly and I spoke about what her goals were as a business owner, her values and her vision. We then dove into the feelings she wanted to evoke in her clients and what information they would need to work with her.
The other element we discussed was how she wanted to market her new mentorship course for other hairdressers. Taking all of this into account, I worked with Kimberly to create a refreshed brand and website that both served her clients and spoke to potential students.

Results 🎁

Kimberly not only left with a beautiful and strategic brand and website, but with confidence to market her new mentorship course and continue serving her clients and attracting new clients that truly felt aligned with the work she is doing.


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