Video editing software for making Youtube shorts

Phillip Reabold

Software Engineer
To speed up the process of creating shorts for youtube from stream clips I created a program that allows for the conversion of the full 1920x1080 video into the 1080x 1920 format youtube is expecting. The program was developed in a way to allow sub sections of the original video file to be selected and moving them around on the canvas of the new video file for creating more standard short layout views.
Original view of the full clip from a .mp4 file
Original view of the full clip from a .mp4 file
The sub sections can be manipulated and resized to clip what is viewed on the final output. Also created default views for quick succession of making shorts from many vod clips that have similar layouts to begin with.
The editing view for moving around different elements from the original version in the output
The editing view for moving around different elements from the original version in the output
Start and end points where also able to be selected so that only the relevant parts of the clip would be shown in the new video file created. I used ffmpeg to read in the video files so most standard file types could be supported. The output was then created in mkv format which is supported by youtube shorts for uploads.
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