Twitch bots for chat integration

Phillip Reabold


Fullstack Engineer

Software Engineer

Web Developer




Creating custom Twitch chat bots. Determining what type of chat bot a user wants and then developing a version that fits those specific needs. Due to the customizability of the chat bots I made using C++ many different version can be implemented with variety of different outcomes. Stand alone windows versions of the chat bot can have on screen visuals to be captured and displayed in stream such as when a user receives a sub/follow/raid. Since this version is also running directly on your local windows machine it can also be designed to have audio output as well for use with the same situations or others such as channel point redeems.
Onscreen visuals are displayed in a capturable window in the windows version when user subs
Onscreen visuals are displayed in a capturable window in the windows version when user subs
For a different implementation and results Linux versions have had website integration using Nginx to create webpages that react to messages users send in chat. Additionally the bot can be interacted with directly from the webpage for a more simple user experience when commands would need to be sent often such as resetting a chat game.
Users in chat type the words Stick/What/Gong and this interface will update on the website with counts for each word
Users in chat type the words Stick/What/Gong and this interface will update on the website with counts for each word
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Posted May 14, 2024

Created Twitch chat bots for use on various channels.






Fullstack Engineer

Software Engineer

Web Developer




Phillip Reabold

Desktop application and website developer

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