“Maintaining an active lifestyle, including taking advantage of nascent technologies such as exergaming, during this period of isolation and stress is vital. Gamifying exercise training enhances entertainment and motivation while simultaneously distracting the player from fatigue. Redirected attention towards gameplay has overwhelming implications for especially those that are overtly sedentary. Moreover, our preliminary research results indicate substantial physiological and metabolic demand (i.e., ~85% max HR and >12.9 METs) of these 30-minute IVR exergaming sessions. Considering the myriad of benefits resistance training has in decreasing fat mass while concurrently increasing lean mass, muscle strength and power, energy expenditure, and resting metabolic rate, IVR resistance training has great potential to improve health and fitness. According to the latest Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults participating in 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week achieve optimal health benefits. Hence, increasing public participation in exercise is paramount to establishing a healthy population and combating rising levels of obesity. Indeed, IVR exergaming presents a possible link between sedentary pastimes and physical activity that may promote greater public engagement in exercise, especially during this global pandemic.”