Credito PLC

Amin Sadiq

Backend Engineer
Cloud Infrastructure Architect
Fullstack Engineer
Credito PLC is a fintech debt recovery company that offers a wide range of digital services to help businesses recover debts. Credito's digital platform provides a range of services to help customers through the debt process, including a self service portal, electronic document access, and omni channel payment options. Credito's customer focused approach makes them a pioneer in digital debt collections.
As a the project manager and lead developer for Credito's digital identity, I was responsible for the implementation of the cloud infrastructure, as well as for dev ops and backend development using technologies such as Amazon AWS, Laravel, Vue3 JS, Bootstrap5, HTML5 and CSS3. My work helped ensure that Credito's infrastructure is able to scale effectively, offer a user friendly approach, while maintaining bank level security and data protection protocols. I streamlined and deployed the entire complete digital strategy. My experience in backend development was instrumental in building a robust and scalable IT infrastructure.


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