Burning Me Down - Official Music Video

Alex Campo

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Burning Me Down is a music video from the band Midnight Machines.
I was this project’s editor and colorist. The challenge presented in the color process was creating four looks to separate the main fight scene from the three B-Roll Scenes while maintaining a cohesive feeling.
The song is about the complex theme of desire and whether it’s better to stay safe in a situation you’ve known or “burn it all down” by chasing after something new and exciting. While the lyrics explore the intricate emotions of longing and passion, the abstract notion of desire is portrayed by a compelling duel between two master fencers. This isn’t just a fencing match; it’s a dance between two forces drawn together by an undeniable attraction, each strike and parry echoing the dynamics of desire.
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Posted Jul 15, 2024

I was this project’s editor and colorist. This isn’t just a fencing match; it’s a dance between two forces drawn together by an undeniable attraction.

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