Scream is directed by the “Master of Horror” Wes Craven. Known mostly for his creation of Nightmare on Elm Street and its many sequels. Wes Craven is an icon and has created some of the most memorable horror movies in history. Wes had been quite the horror genius before creating scream having made plenty of horror movies before then. Wes Craven would credit Sean Cunningham as the one who started his career in horror movies. “He told me to go write something scary, and if they liked it, I could direct it. He owned a little Steenbeck editing table, he said, so I could cut it on that and direct it; he’d produce it. That was Sean Cunningham who did Friday the 13th” (Juniper). That movie was The Last House on the Left which Wes will admit it is not a pleasant movie to watch and even attempted to move away from the horror genre after it.