This project was built with:
Move now !

Younès Atmani


Bubble Developer

Product Manager

Product Strategist


A dynamic online platform connecting sports instructors and enthusiasts for interactive and tailored sports learning experiences.
Move Now.
Move Now.

About the project

An innovative online platform tailored to connect sports instructors and enthusiasts, fostering a dynamic arena for skill enhancement. Instructors gain the tools to effortlessly craft and oversee their sport-specific classes, providing focused content to a wide spectrum of eager learners. Sports enthusiasts can easily navigate a diverse selection of courses through a robust search feature, accessing comprehensive insights to make well-informed choices. Enrolling in desired classes, contributing reviews, and managing app settings are all intuitively structured.

Project main features

User signup & login
Allow users to create accounts or log in with existing credentials. This feature ensures secure access to the web application and enables personalized experiences for users.
User login & signup
User login & signup
Search for classes
Provide a search functionality that allows users to find classes based on keywords, categories, or other filters. This feature enhances user experience by enabling them to quickly discover relevant classes.
Search feature
Search feature
View class details
When users click on a class, display comprehensive details such as class description, instructor information, schedule, etc. This feature helps users make informed decisions about the classes they are interested in.
View class details feature
View class details feature
Enroll in a class
Enable users to enroll in classes they are interested in. This feature  include an integration with stripe so that the user can pay to be enrolled.
Enroll in a class feature
Enroll in a class feature
Review a class
Allow users who have completed a class to leave reviews and ratings. This feature provides valuable feedback to both the instructor and potential future students, aiding in the decision-making process.
Review a class feature
Review a class feature
Manage classes and participants
Develop an instructor dashboard that allows the instructor administrator to manage the classes offered on the platform. The instructor should be able to add new classes, edit existing class details, set pricing, etc.
Manage classes and participants feature
Manage classes and participants feature
Manage app data & settings
Provide an admin dashboard where you can manage app data, such as class categories, app commission fees and other settings. This feature gives you the ability to maintain and modify the app's settings and parameters.
Manage app data and settings
Manage app data and settings
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Posted Oct 8, 2024

As a Bubble developer and product manager for Move Now, I led the development of a platform that connects sports instructors with enthusiasts.






Bubble Developer

Product Manager

Product Strategist


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