What's this about?

Ashley Franklin


Email Marketer

Blog Writer

SEO Writer




Hey! I'm Ash,
I'm a talkative who doesn't get enough audience 🙄(my folks say I talk too much), a Spongebob Squarepants lover, lover of good music, content writer, commercial model, Scorpio and the content writer/publisher for this blog. I would say my hobbies are reading, writing, watching movies, playing video games and sleeping but that already sounds cliche. ( BTW someone told me sleeping is not a hobby but I don't care🙄).
I created this blog in 2015 out of anger and some kind of inspiration from a popular blogger's story. She had just bought a multi million naira mansion in a high brow area of Lagos state and had become neighbors with some of the most influential people in the country all thanks to blogging!
I was shocked and disturbed for days. I mean, not like I was envious or a hater or anything like that, I just didn't know the talent the Lord deposited in my life could fetch someone so much money.
I came to a decision. If this blogger could build a life out of a hobby, it was time I did the same. I opened the blog without having a clue about blogging, I was so determined to start making money so I can buy my own luxury mansion too.
Little did I know that blogging is not a plate of rice and plantain! 😂
I started carrying researches all in a bid to get legit news to publish. My God, it was a mountain of stress🙆🏽‍♀. For the fact that I had to be on the internet 24/7, find the news, read and then rewrite in my own words to avoid plagiarism. Had to search for photos without copyright and meet up with my publishing schedule. Mehn! It was tough, I kept doing it for a few days and then....the plot twist...
I stopped!! I gave up! I was tired ,the sleepless nights, not getting enough traffic to read, the endless search for harmless news (I wasn't ready to be arrested oh, I'm still not ready), the constant buying of data subscription 😭, I couldn't do it anymore.
The good thing is I didn't close the blog, it was just inactive for a long time.
One day in October 2024, after finding out information that still has me questioning my existence, I woke up and felt the urge to go back to writing and the rest is history. Surprisingly, my reason for coming back to my first love has changed. I guess I grew up🤷🏽‍♀. Not like I don't want to make money or anything (I definitely still want my own mansion 😁). Now I want to be heard, I want to make a change and I know I can do that with my writing skills.
Now I solemnly swear 🙋🏽‍♀, to tell the truth and nothing but the truth about everything and anything. We’re doing this life thing together 💯.
This is going to be interesting, so don't be missing in action. Tell a friend to tell a friend. I'm Ash, and I'm legit AF.
Yours in this lifetime, Ash.
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Posted Oct 4, 2024

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Email Marketer

Blog Writer

SEO Writer




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