Pranamika - A Government Official Review Application

Mihir Suman


Backend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

React Native Developer



React Native

Pranamika - A Government Official Review Application


A mobile application built with React Native and Node.js that enables citizens to review and provide feedback about government officials. Users can submit both positive and negative reviews along with images, creating transparency and accountability in public service.


📱 Mobile-first approach with cross-platform support
🔐 Secure OTP-based phone authentication
📸 Camera integration for capturing photos
🗃️ Feed-based review system
🎨 Color-coded reviews (green for positive, red for negative)
🔄 Pull-to-refresh functionality
🖼️ AWS S3 image storage integration
📱 Persistent authentication
📊 Paginated data loading

Tech Stack


React Native - Mobile application framework
Expo - Development platform for React Native
TypeScript - Type-safe code
React Navigation - Navigation library
Axios - HTTP client
AsyncStorage - Local storage management
React Context - State management
Expo Camera - Camera functionality


Node.js - Runtime environment
Express - Web framework
MongoDB - Database
Mongoose - ODM for MongoDB
JWT - Authentication
AWS SDK - S3 integration
Twilio - SMS service for OTP
Multer - File upload handling
Cors - Cross-origin resource sharing

Cloud Services

AWS S3 - Image storage
MongoDB Atlas - Cloud database
Twilio - SMS services

API Endpoints


POST /api/auth/sendOTP - Send OTP to phone number - Body: { phoneNumber: string } POST /api/auth/verifyOTP - Verify OTP and create user - Body: { phoneNumber: string, otp: string, name: string }


GET /api/reviews - Fetch paginated reviews - Query: { page: number, limit: number } - Headers: Authorization Bearer Token POST /api/reviews - Create new review - Body: FormData (image, officialName, location, review, isPositive) - Headers: Authorization Bearer Token

Authentication Flow

The user enters phone number
The backend generates OTP and sends it via Twilio
User enters OTP
The backend verifies OTP and generates JWT
App stores authentication state
Subsequent app launches check for stored auth
Auto-redirect to feed if authenticated

Main Features Implementation

Review Creation

The user taps "Write a Review"
Camera opens for photo capture
User fills out review form:
Official's name
Review text
Positive/Negative selection
Image uploads to S3
Review saves to MongoDB
Feed updates with a new review

Feed System

Implements infinite scroll
Pull-to-refresh functionality
Cached data management
Optimized image loading
Error handling
Loading states

Security Features

JWT-based authentication
Secure OTP system
AWS S3 secure upload
Input validation
Error handling
CORS protection

Performance Optimizations

Image optimization before upload
Lazy loading for feed items
Pagination for data fetching
Caching mechanisms
Optimized re-renders
Efficient state management
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Posted Dec 23, 2024

A mobile application built with React Native and Node.js that enables citizens to review and provide feedback about government officials. Users can submit both






Backend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

React Native Developer



React Native