Billy CyberBuddy

Mihir Suman


Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

Web Developer




Billy CyberBuddy is a cybersecurity solution to report cybercrime/cyberbullying activities, integrated with an AI-powered chatbot designed to assist users with various tasks and conversationally provide information. Built with Next.js and Rasa, it offers a seamless and interactive user experience.


Conversational Interface: Engage with Billy through natural language conversations.
Task Assistance: Get help with tasks such as setting reminders, fetching information, and more.
Extensibility: Easily add new skills and functionalities to enhance Billy's capabilities.


Before running the project, ensure you have the following installed:
Node.js (v14 or later)
Python (v3.7 or later)
Rasa (for chatbot functionalities)

Getting Started

Clone the Repository:
Install Dependencies:Using npm:
npm install
Or using yarn:
yarn install
Set Up Rasa Chatbot: Navigate to the chatbot/rasa directory and install the required Python dependencies:
cd chatbot/rasa pip install -r requirements.txt
Train the Rasa model:
rasa train
Start the Rasa server:
rasa run --enable-api -cors "*"
Run the Development Server: In the root directory of the project, start the Next.js development server: Using npm:
npm run dev
Or using yarn:
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application.

Project Structure

src/: Contains the main front-end application code.
chatbot/rasa/: Contains the Rasa chatbot configuration and training data.
server/: Backend server code for handling API requests and integrating with the chatbot.


We'd like to make contributions to enhance Billy CyberBuddy. Please follow these steps:
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature-name.
Make and commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add new feature'.
Push to the branch: git push origin feature-name.
Submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please take a look at the LICENSE file for details.


Next.js for the robust React framework.
Rasa for the open-source conversational AI framework.
Tailwind CSS for utility-first CSS styling.
For any questions or support, please open an issue in this repository.
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Posted Dec 23, 2024

Billy CyberBuddy is a cybersecurity solution to report cybercrime/cyberbullying activities, integrated with an AI-powered chatbot designed to assist users with






Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

Web Developer




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