Happy Flowers | Web Design

Rylee Paxton

Graphic Designer
Web Designer
Web Developer

Coding for Beginners!

Following SuperHi's Plan, Design + Code Your First Website course, they provide completed web designs for you to try and create using Figma and their Super Editor.
What you’ll learn in the course:
How to work with a client and set up a project plan.
How to design a brand using Figma — we'll cover fonts, colors and how to create a logo, even if you're not a designer.
How to code your website from scratch — learn the basics of HTML and CSS using our intelligent code editor, the SuperHi Editor.
How to plan and wireframe your design — we'll be creating a 3-page website including a contact form.
How to convert your wireframe into a design using Figma.
How to get your website online including a walkthrough on domains and hosting.
Check out SuperHi 🙂
Here is one of the websites I built to develop my skills after completing the course:

The Branding

The Web Design

Building the website

Using SuperHi's Super Editor, I built out the HTML and CSS code to create the final product. Taking care to make sure it was also optimized for mobile using media queries.
A peak at Super Editor
A peak at Super Editor

The Final Product:

Are you looking for a website refresh? Reach out, let's work together!
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