The first thing that should be addressed is something you probably have heard regurgitated from a ton of people upon playing this game. "This is essentially first-person Resident Evil 4, we don't need a remake of that game now." This is partially true. It's similar to RE4 in terms of going from 0 to 100 at a moment's notice. Also having the merchant, this time being a Budda-like figure, that is conveniently placed in places for you to buy and sell your loot. Your inventory screen is a straight-up remake of 4's. Then there is the gunplay and how enemies conveniently drop crafting supplies and money. This is essentially where the comparisons end and the other influences begin. Resident Evil Village, in its purest sense, aims to combine elements from RE4 and RE7 biohazards in one 8 to 14-hour package. Resident Evil 4 featured far more quick-time segments, which are completely absent here. Along with altering the environment around you by kicking down ladders. This game takes from 7 based on story cutscenes, crafting, and setup. You could say that it is a more action-infused version of 7 with some influences from Skyrim. That wouldn't be completely off the radar. Though that leads me to my next point. It's really hard to pinpoint for me what RE Village can be compared to since it seems to take inspiration from many things.