Is Sony Losing Its Way in Gaming?

Ian Hutchison


Content Writer



Original post date: 9/19/2024
Let me start this off by saying that I love PlayStation. As a brand and what it has brought me in my life. The console, the franchises, and the memories are irreplaceable. It hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows. However, the high points are some of my favorite moments throughout my gaming life. They have had an impact on the landscape that is unmatched. Thank Nintendo for rejecting them as the developer of their proposed CD add-on system. So that Sony could fly, with their own $299 powerhouse and create a legacy that lasts. So what has happened?
First off, we don’t need a PS5 Pro at all. Considering Sony has barely shown off what the PS5 can do. On account of most of its exclusive games have come out on PS4. Hell, Id go as far as to say that the PS5 is just a PS4 Pro with an SSD installed. And you know what? I’m right about the SSD.
This has left me frustrated, yet this is just scratching the surface of everything. As if the price point and no disc drive included were bad enough. At least I could take comfort in Sony delivering on their exclusive games. They usually tend to knock it out of the park in this regard. I could point to a ton of franchises that Sony has under their arsenal. So I am sure. That Sony has an excellent lineup of games for their second stage in this console generation, right? Right?!
Yep, this is where we are at now. The people in charge are completely clueless and this company is in a worse spot than it has ever been. Yes, even worse than the PlayStation 3 launching at $599 USD. At least the PS3 had a disc drive and was backward compatible with the previous two systems. It's unbelievably frustrating seeing all these different news bits coming out. With each week, it's something different.
First, it was the shutdown of their London studio months back. Before Microsoft one upped the bullshit by doing it themselves. Which left Sony in a good position to not fuck things up. Apparently, Sony took that as a challenge and sunk lower.
As if things couldn’t get worse. They announced the PS5 Pro and gave it a stupid price tag. Took away the disk drive so scalpers could buy them up.
Me too Bob
Me too Bob
Believe me, when I say that even some die-hard PlayStation fans roasted this, and rightfully so. Then leadership says something completely stupid and tone-deaf. Which is what is posted in the image above. Yet, they announced a new remaster at the time I wrote this post. Guess what it is?
I literally am baffled by these decisions. First they remade a game that was only 4 years removed from a remaster in The Last of Us. Now you are doing a remaster of a game that is only seven years old and still looks great? Instead of remastering a game that is older and needs it? Could someone explain this logic to me? Its to make money, I get that. However, Its the laziest, most blatant cash grab, assuming your audience will buy paper money move. That’s the problem here. This, along with the PS5 Pro, are the most blatant and soulless cash grabs in forever. Worse yet, It takes away from the other franchises that NEED a remaster at this point. Remember how that “executive” mentioned how there wasn’t enough IP’s under Sony’s belt? The following images debunk that theory.
Franchises that Sony could bring back.
And this barely scratches the surface. I have a follow up post to this. Where I talk about the franchises Id love to see them bring back. The picture above only shows six. You have at least 20, all of which are well received or quite influential.
The bottom line with all of this, is that Sony has forgotten their legacy. They know that they have all these franchises, or should. Yet they completely ignore them. This has been a pattern dating back to the PS3. Sony’s greatest strength are their franchises. Some would want to argue that they don’t have access to these franchises. I beg to differ and I can argue it.
For instance, pictured above is Twisted Metal. You would think that there was a TV show out at the time of this post. A series that Sony Pictures Television and PlayStation Productions are behind. Yet, there is no game to go with it? Make it make sense. You might suggest that Sly Cooper couldn’t happen right? Yet their developer Sucker Punch recently worked on the award-winning Ghost of Tsushima. Also, they are behind all of the Infamous games. Another franchise Sony should bring back. What else do we have? Jak and Daxter is another franchise from Naughty Dog. The same developer behind a little old game you might of heard of known as The Last of Us. They did Uncharted too if that’s worth anything. Killzone couldn’t happen, surely. Well, friend, their developer Guerrilla Games is behind the series Horizon Zero Dawn. Which is a game that, as mentioned before, is getting remastered. What a world right?
Suppose I am wrong about anything here. Please explain to me why. For now, my optimism for this company is the worst it's been in forever. Sony had a legendary run that hit its worst stride forever. They don’t feel like the same company that provided me with my favorite games in my childhood. They don't feel like the same company that spearheaded my love for video games. They feel like a shell of what they once were. And that is heartbreaking for me. Could it get any worse?
So let me take this time to provide some suggestions to Sony. I know the cost of consoles, both from a manufacturing standpoint and component conditions can be expensive. However, knowing what economy you are selling in is a must. At the time of this post. The global economy is not doing great, let alone North America. Here in the United States, inflation has crippled many people's paychecks on the regular. Those of us who have been unemployed have not faired well in the job hunt. As most of these companies want a laundry list of qualifications. So most of us are broke here. That being said, price the console better. Also, as I mentioned previously. Take a look at your long list of franchises lying dormant. Talk with the developers you work with to see if they still could be made. I guarantee you that even if you did one remaster of Bloodborne, It would make waves. Considering that is the most requested game to get one. Even just having a Twisted Metal game on the market would make sense given the Peacock series.
When you ignore your franchises, they die off. You have far too many that are influential, iconic, and enjoyable. Your legacy is your Intellectual Properties and people want to see them. Take advantage of them and don't ignore what made you special.
With all of this information taken into account. Sony, if you do read this post. Please understand that I am a fan of dating all the way back to childhood. My 36-year-old self can't remember if I need to pick up butter when I go to the store. Yet, I remember the timeless start-up of the PlayStation 1. When I loaded up Silent Hill for the first time at 11 years old. It's hard for me to focus on writing these posts from time to time. However, I was able to focus hours on the first Devil May Cry. When I loaded it up on my PS2 back in the day. I have supported you guys from the beginning. Your legacy in games is unmatched. You have a level of quality that I have held you to . I have given you the benefit of the doubt when things get rough. Neither of which I can do now.

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Posted Jan 30, 2025

Let me start this off by saying that I love PlayStation. As a brand and what it has brought me in my life. The console, the franchises, and the memories are ir…








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