Developed a Road🛣️ Accident analysis Using Microsoft
#powerbi. Requirments Satisfied: 1. Primary KPI - Total Casulatuies and Total Accident values for Current year and YoY Growth (Cards) 2.Primary KPI's - Total Causalties by Accident Severity for current year and YoY Growth.(Cards) 3.Secondary KPI's - Total Casulatuies with respect to Vechicle type for Current Year (Multi- Card) 4 .Monthly Trend Showing comparisons of Causalties for Current and Previous Year.(Area Chart) 5.Causalties by road type for current year. (Slicers) 6.Current year casualties by Area /Location and Day/ Night.(Donut Chart) 7.Total Casulaties and Total Accident by location. (Map Chart) Functionalities Performed: 1.Data Cleaning in Power Query 2.Time Intelligence In power bi 3.YTD and YoY growth using DAX 4.KPI's Generation 5.Importing Pictures.
#microsoft #powerbi #dataset #roadaccident #causality