Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Associated with Type-ll Diabetes


Medical Writer
Academic Writer
One of the greatest challenges faced by people in 21st century associated with health is Diabetes mellitus type II (T2D). T2D is a progressive, metabolic and multifactorial disorder, which is characterized by insulin sensitivity due to decrease in insulin production, insulin resistance and eventual failure of pancreatic beta-cells. It was found after genetic analysis that genetic factors can be used to explain up to 70% of the T2D variation. Role of mitochondrial mutations was found in T2D and insulin sensitivity. In this study, our main aim is to determine the association of mitochondrial DNA polymorphism and T2D. For this purpose, a study was conducted on 80 diabetic patients. Their DNA was isolated from blood and subjected to gel electrophoresis after amplification. It was showed that in these 80 patients, bands with different molecular weight from control individuals and from the previous study. Thus, it was concluded the need to perform a sequencing to determine the mutated gene. In addition to other genetic factors are found to be the cause of congenital mitochondrial diabetes.
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