Tupy Colors APP

Carolina Carretto

Visual Designer
UI Designer
Tupy Corantes is a traditional Brazilian brand of fabric dyes, present in the daily lives of Brazilians for 45 years. The brand offers a diverse range of colors for various types of fabrics, allowing users to mix them to create new shades. With this in mind, the Tupy Color Mixer app was created.
Time frame: 3 months My role: Product & Visual Design Delivered on: November 2021 Read More
What needs are we looking to solve?
“How can I easily know how much dye I need to use to get the desired color?” The process of dying a piece of fabric consists in measuring the weight of it, and then, based on the type of fabric and the color desired, it's required to know exactly the amount of dye needed to mix with the water in order to achieve the perfect color, but how do I calculate that? Today, only with expertise or several tries, until you get that desired tone.
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