Rotating Your Dog’s Protein Source

Linda Seers

As a dog owner, you need to take appropriate measures to rotate the protein source of the dog on a regular basis. Then you will be provided with the chance to ensure optimum health of the dog accordingly. It is better if you can take appropriate steps to change the protein source of dog on a daily or a weekly basis.
For example, if you have been giving fish to your dog, you can think about making the switch to pork or beef. You are provided with a large number of dog food options out there in the world. Hence, picking the perfect source to cater the protein requirements of your dog will not be a difficult thing to do.

Why should you rotate the protein source of the dog?

As the very first thing, let’s understand why you need to be concerned about rotating the protein source of your dog on a regular basis. This is recommended by experts as well.
According to expert vets, giving the same food to your dog for an extended duration of time can result in allergic reactions. This can deliver a variety of symptoms. Hot spots, itchy skin and upset stomach are some of the most prominent symptoms out of them. If you don’t want your dog to end up with these health conditions, you need to rotate the protein source of the dog. Then you will be able to keep the dog healthy and happy for an extended duration of time as well.
As a dog owner, you will also come across the need to add a variety into the life of the dog. Then you will be able to keep the dog away from getting bored. This is another great reason available for you to think about rotating the protein source of the dog.
Thepetpractice told us that no matter for what reason you make the decision to rotate the protein source of the dog, you need to do it in a safe manner. That’s where we thought of sharing some effective tips, which can assist you with rotating the protein source of the dog accordingly.

How to rotate the protein source of the dog?

Following are some of the tips recommended by experts for you to rotate the protein source of the dog. By following these tips, you will be able to end up with effective results at the end of the day. In addition to that, you will find it as an easy task to keep your dog satisfied while you are rotating the protein source as well. Then you will be able to minimize the chances that are available for issues to arise.
-You need to come up with a proper plan before you rotate the protein source of your dog. It is better if you can take your time to plan this, then you will be able to stick to the proper plan and eliminate all the possibilities available for a mistake to take place. According to the experts, it is better if you can rotate the protein source of the dog on a weekly basis. This can deliver optimum results to you. However, some of the dog owners will not be able to do it due to practical difficulties. If you are facing any such practical difficulties, you can think about rotating the protein source in every other week or even in a monthly basis. However, you need to make sure that you don’t provide the same source of protein to your dog continuously for a duration of one month.
-While you are providing food to your dog, you need to make sure that they are sealed properly. In addition to that, you should also ensure that the dog food is fresh. This can provide a great eating experience to your dog. If you are using a storage container or a plastic bin, you need to clean it thoroughly after you use. Otherwise, residual fats can get deposited at the bottom of it. They are in a position to contaminate the new food that you add into the bin. Hence, you need to make sure that it doesn’t happen under any situation.
-Some of the dogs have sensitive stomachs. In such a situation, you need to understand if your dog is having a sensitive stomach or not. In addition to that, you need to understand that changing the source of protein can upset the tummy of the day. You need to follow the basic rules while you are changing the food consumed by your dog. Along with that, you need to mix around 25% of new food along with the old food. Then you will be able to provide space for your dog to get used to the new food. You can gradually increase the amount of new food that is included in the diet and make sure that your dog smoothly gets used to it.
-You should also keep an eye on your dog while you are engaged with rotating the protein source. For example, you need to take the dog to the vet on a regular basis. In case if you see any allergic reactions in the dog, you should rush for it. Some of the dog owners who change the protein sources will have to experience a variety of health conditions appearing in their pets. They include hives, skin rash, diarrhea, and even obsessive licking. Once you spot these signs and symptoms, you need to rush for appropriate treatments. Along with that, you will be able to make sure that your dog is living a happier life.

Final Words

As you can see, you should not provide the same source of protein to your dog for an extended duration of time. Instead, you need to keep on changing the source of protein on a regular basis. These tips can assist you with that.
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Posted Aug 9, 2021


