10 Harmful Mindsets That May Affect Your Mental Health

Victor Kiplimo


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Andrew Neel / Pexels
Andrew Neel / Pexels
Maintaining good mental health plays a major role in living a happy and fulfilling life. However, several mindsets can be destructive to your mental well-being and general lifestyle. As an amateur content writer, I had a hard time building my foundation and progressing in my newfound career. It took me years to figure out that the only thing holding me back from living my dream was me—and my harmful mindset. I then took time to learn about mindsets that can sabotage our psychological health. In this article, we will explore ten detrimental mindsets that can harm your mental wellness and provide brief tips and ideas on how to overcome them.
1. Perfectionism
Perfectionism is a mindset where individuals ‘break their backs’ to attain unrealistic perfection in every task or aspect of their lives. This mentality drives individuals to relentlessly strive to perfect everything they are occupied with so that they forget about their welfare. Perfectionism makes people have high expectations of themselves, and others, which causes frustration and disappointment when they don’t achieve their goals.
Perfectionism also makes people feel like they are not good enough at what they do, which worsens their mental state. This mindset eventually leads to anxiety, chronic stress, and panic disorders.
To overcome perfectionism, it is crucial to accept that making mistakes is a part of human nature and that everyone has their flaws.
2. Catastrophizing
Catastrophizing is when individuals typically imagine the worst-case scenario. This frame of mind makes people imagine traumatic events that may arise from certain details in their lives. This mindset therefore makes them worried about a catastrophic consequence that may happen due to little or no cause. This mindset is more likely to lead to extreme worry and anxiety.
To undo this mentality from your mind, develop problem-solving techniques to prepare for any possible disasters and gradually learn how to accept uncertainty.
3. All-or-Nothing Thinking
Also known as black-and-white thinking, this mindset leaves no room for a middle ground. This is a negative mentality that is often observed in people suffering from depression and anxiety. This destructive mindset makes people unable to look for alternative solutions to certain problems in their lives.
This mindset leads to unrealistic expectations and an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and failure. This may drive the affected individuals into more stress and even suicide.
To beat this mindset, you should embrace shades of gray and accept that life is full of complexities. It is also crucial to develop the habit of seeking alternative solutions to any ongoing problem.
4. Self-Criticism
This is a common mindset where people berate and think lowly of themselves. This personal outlook is strongly connected with an intense feeling of being a loser, undeserving of anything special, and unworthy.
These self-perceptions are opinions of their intellect, looks, abilities, and feelings. Self-criticism severely affects people’s passions and interests in their professional and social lives, causing more frustration and devastation.
To render self-criticism powerless, practice self-appreciation, and self-compassion and treat yourself with the kindness you would offer to a loved one. Another useful tactic is writing down every accomplishment you have ever achieved. This will boost your confidence and give you the determination to do better, hence improving your mental welfare.
5. Comparison
This mindset has skyrocketed over the past few years—since the inception of social media. Individuals comparing themselves to others, especially through the lens of social media, can lead to feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. Most people with this mindset take a look at their lives and weigh them against the lives of their friends, family members, and celebrities. This progressively causes dissatisfaction, self-hate, and envy, which in turn prohibit mental prosperity by triggering depression and anxiety, especially social anxiety.
To subdue the disquieting burden of comparison, keep in mind that social media mostly portrays a distorted reality, so you should focus on your progress and set your own goals.
6. Victim Mentality
Adopting this mentality can be very toxic to a person’s mental health and productivity. This mindset not only makes people feel like they have no control over their lives but also makes them feel like other people are dedicated to ruining their lives. The ‘victims’ find themselves pointing a finger at other people for the unfortunate events in their lives. This perception of their lives and problems makes them unable to take responsibility and feel it is out of their control.
Triumphing over victim mentality requires you to shift towards an empowered mindset by taking responsibility for your actions and decisions.
7. Approval-Seeking
This mindset, like comparison, has become very common since the birth of social media. This growing mindset has made a lot of individuals rely on other people’s approval for self-worth, which has caused great harm to their mental health.
The dark side of having such a mentality is similar to the self-criticism mentality. It makes individuals feel like they have no value and worth. This mindset also makes them lose their true self because they try so hard to be like others and in the long run, they end up dissatisfied with who they have become.
To combat approval seeking, practice self-validation and self-affirmations—learn to appreciate your uniqueness and qualities without relying on approval from others.
8. Future Tripping
This is a chilling mindset where people consistently worry about the future and what will become of them in the years to come. This is one of the most common mindsets that everyone, at some point in their lives, falls victim to it. We all have that bugging fear of how our future will be. This fear develops in some people’s minds to the extent that it permanently occupies them, affecting their social and professional activities. It eventually creates excessive stress and severe anxiety.
The key to overcoming future tripping is indulging in current activities and setting realistic goals.
9. Overthinking
Although overthinking is normal in everyone’s mind and occurs almost every time, it becomes a major mindset in other people. This mentality pushes people to obsessively think and overanalyze situations to an extent where their mind is fervently racing, leading to constant stress and worrying. This state of mind ultimately affects a person’s self-awareness and concentration. Excessive overthinking has a severe impact on mental health: if unchecked, it could lead to anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, and chronic depression.
Winning over overthinking requires you to; find a distraction (engage in your hobbies and work), try meditating, and understand that not everything is under your control.
10. Fixed Mindset
A fixed mindset is having the idea that abilities and intelligence are static—that there are no dynamics in a person’s range of productivity and creativity. This mentality has a toxic effect on an individual’s personal growth as it makes them believe that struggle and effort are a portrayal of a lack of talent. This mindset is detrimental as it also encourages self-criticism and perfectionism which eventually lead to frustration, depression, and burning out.
The best strategy to overpower this harmful mindset is adopting the opposite mindset; a growth mindset. This is a mindset where you have the desire to learn new knowledge and skills, which will fortify your mental welfare.
Final Thoughts
Recognizing and addressing these harmful mindsets is the first step toward improving your mental health. Remember that it's essential to seek professional help if these mindsets become overwhelming and negatively impact your daily life. By adopting healthier mindsets and practicing self-compassion, you can enhance your mental well-being, boost your confidence and aura, and enjoy a more fulfilling life.
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Posted Dec 5, 2023

An ideal guide that discloses in-depth information on mentalities that may be detrimental to our well-being, and strategies on how to approach and tackle them.






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