Utobo.com is the world’s simplest online tutoring platform. We help tutors' avoid paying for 4-5 applications to teach and grow online through a web-based SaaS platform seamlessly integrated with Android and iOS applications.
Tutors’ and institutes’ can conduct live classes, build courses and test series, sell it to the market with an e-commerce website, manage admission, accept fees online and offline.
The company provides value proposition for tutors' like content ownership and branding and freedom to isolate the classroom or sell to the global market.
Students' can communicate, collaborate, and participate with peers and tutors' just like a physical classroom. They can access course content, write tests, attend live classes, measure performance, track fee receipts, and raise support requests anywhere using laptops or mobile applications.
Tutor Dashboard: - Add multiple tutors, build courses and test series with rich media editor, manage admissions; accept an offline and online fee, conduct live classes, push notification, send SMS and email, create polls and forums, offer coupon codes, get reviews and feedback and access all the reports on one click.
Student web and mobile applications: - Consume course content, write tests and measure test performance, see notifications, attend live classes, news, participate in polls, comment on forums, raise support requests, see the transaction reports, and update profile.