Real-Time Number Plate Detection System

Zohair Abbas

Software Engineer
Web Developer
AI Model Developer

Real-Time Number Plate Detection System

This project aims to detect number plate of a vehicle in a image or video and extract the number plate text using Optical Character Recognation(OCR). This system is implemented by using yolov5, EasyOCR and a Custom OCR model.

Used Roboflow to annotate/label our data.

Installation and Usage:

Clone the repository
git clone
Change the working directory
cd Number-Plate-Detection
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app
python -m uvicorn api:app --reload


The pipeline in the project is as follows:
Train custom data using yolov5
Custom number plate detection using yolov5 and saving plates as cropped images
Apply the extracted plate to EasyOCR and Custom OCR
Get plates-text in an array format
Integeration of FastAPI


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