What Are the Types of Depression in Kids and Their Warning Signs

Theresa Woods

Blog Writer
SEO Writer
Google Docs

The Ask:

Mental healthcare is very close to my heart. Researching and crafting this article into something informative that would resonate with parents as they explore the difficult topic of their child's potential depression wasn't something I took lightly. For Bark, I researched and developed an accessible, plain-English guide to the types of depression to help parents understand their child's mental health and, hopefully, provide a measure of hope.


As adults, we often imagine children as perpetually happy, curious creatures. Without grown-up cares and worries, it’s difficult to imagine children being less than joyful when they have so few responsibilities. However, depression often begins in childhood, and recognizing the signs early can be critical to seek proper treatment for your child and framing depression with kindness and compassion.

Unlike adults, children don’t often have the language to describe what they’re experiencing regarding mood disorders like depression. This makes it even more critical for you know and recognize the signs. This article will cover the types of depression disorders in adolescence, the warning signs of depression in kids and teens, and strategies for early detection.

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