Mikhail Woodo

Oleksii Reznichenko

Frontend Engineer
Web Developer

Explore the portfolio of Mikhail, a skilled web and UI/UX designer, showcasing a collection of successful projects and stunning designs.

Project summary:

⏱️ Development Duration: 2 weeks.

👥 Team Composition: 1 web designer and Oleksii Reznichenko as the front-end developer.

🖥️ Technologies Used: Vue.js, Pinia, TypeScript, Sass, HTML, GSAP library.

🎨 Design and User Experience: Mikhail portfolio shows attention-grabbing design with a focus on user experience. It includes dynamic animations and a straightforward layout to display his web and UI/UX design projects effectively.

💡 Development Skills: Emphasis on creating a smooth, responsive interface that complements Mikhail's design aesthetics.

🌐 Website Description: The website serves as a portfolio for Mikhail, a web and UI/UX designer. It features his projects, highlighting his ability to create captivating designs and develop user-centric solutions, with examples like Digi Proxy and Invicta Cards.

👉 For more details, visit


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