Newspaper Design „Tvorivá spoločnosť"

Michaela Galambošová

Main design and text filling for the monthly magazine Tvorivá spoločnost'

Designed and filled the monthly magazine "Tvorivá spoločnosť" using Adobe InDesign. With four years of hands-on experience, I tackled numerous challenges creatively and skillfully. Collaborated closely with the team to create visually captivating and impactful layouts for each issue of the volunteer magazine.
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Posted May 31, 2024

Created content, designed layouts using Adobe InDesign, and edited photos with Adobe Photoshop. Prepared documents for printing, 45, 000 copies/month

Book Layout Design Using Adobe InDesign
Book Layout Design Using Adobe InDesign
English to Slovakian website translation
English to Slovakian website translation
Slovak | PROOFREADING | Native speaker
Slovak | PROOFREADING | Native speaker