
Elsa Toussaint

Brand Designer
Web Designer
Adobe Illustrator

Welcome to Tartine, the ultimate place for delicious toast. Get ready to enjoy their amazing combinations of top-notch ingredients.

Every bite is bursting with flavor, highlighting the best of the season. Step into their cozy atmosphere, where their friendly staff is dedicated to providing exceptional service and creating a welcoming environment. They’re also committed to sustainability, minimizing waste through composting food scraps and utilizing eco-friendly packaging for a greener future.


Tartine - Restaurant


Represent the high-quality kitchen in another way, convey the wildness of the cuisine, and highlight the ingredients.


We create a wild yet organized branding that highlights the chef's cuisine, along with a cool one-pager to provide all the information their customers need.

The logo

We created a clean yet bold logo, seeking a design with character and strength while maintaining a modern and simple aesthetic.

We were looking for illustrations that are a bit messy and natural to evoke the organized chaos vibe of the restaurant.

Check out my instagram for more

🫶 Hi, my name is Elsa, and I’m a Belgium-based designer. I craft meaningful websites and brand identities for conscious companies, bold entrepreneurs, and food businesses.

➡️ Ready to take your brand to the next level? Let’s work together

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