Jacob Gronberg Portfolio

Ubong Sylvester


Frontend Engineer

Web Developer




The Jacob Gronberg Portfolio Website is a conceptual digital platform aimed at showcasing the professional portfolio of Jacob Gronberg, a talented photographer and visual artist. This website serves as a dynamic and interactive hub where visitors can explore Jacob's projects, skills, events and experiences in a visually engaging manner.

Key Features:

Next.js Framework: The website is built using Next.js, a React framework known for its efficient server-side rendering and seamless client-side navigation.
Styled-components: Styled-components library is utilized to manage styles in a component-based architecture, offering scalability and maintainability.
GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform): GSAP is integrated to incorporate fluid animations and transitions throughout the website, enhancing user engagement and providing an immersive browsing experience.
Sanity CMS (Content Management System): Sanity CMS is employed as the backend solution, enabling easy content management and seamless integration of dynamic data such as project details, blog posts, and other relevant information.
Responsive Design: The website is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring optimal viewing and interaction experiences across various devices and screen sizes.
Portfolio Showcase: Visitors can explore Jacob's portfolio, featuring a diverse range of projects with detailed descriptions, images, and links.
About Section: An informative section provides insights into Jacob's background, skills, and experiences, helping visitors gain a better understanding of his expertise.
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Posted Mar 30, 2024

The Jacob Gronberg Portfolio Website is a conceptual digital platform aimed at showcasing the professional portfolio of a photographer and visual artist






Frontend Engineer

Web Developer




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