E-Commerce Website 🛒

Ahmad Khaled

Web Designer
Web Developer
Azure DevOps

E-Commerce Website 🛒

Online store solution to sell Funko Pops 😎, 🎉 Using Asp.net MVC and Razor. The cool part? It's a work in progress, always getting better with new features.
For a quick start, you can check out the website on Azure here

Table of Contents


This is a full-stack online store solution where users can browse products with pagination. Users can create accounts or log in using external providers like Google. They can easily add products to their cart, proceed to checkout online, and place their orders.
Used Identity for handling security, Entity Framework to manage database access and Nunit for unit testing, The solution is deployed on Azure.


This open-source project aims to provide small business owners with a quick start for their online store, with easy adaptation to their specific needs.


Additional used
Identity, Entity Framework, MS SQL Server, Nunit


Browse products with pagination
Secure admin management panel to manage products and categories
Support for creating accounts
Integration with external login providers like Google

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