Monday in Madrid

Victoria Newell

8am- It would be more poetic and equally basic to say that my alarm blares, but in reality, it’s a persistent vibration on my Apple Watch. Since getting it for Christmas a year ago, I’ve been obsessed with tracking my sleep. Seeing between which hours I dreamt, the quality of rest, celebrating quietly when I hit 8 hours and using anything less as justification for a little treat or a nap later in the day. I’ll snooze at least once, maybe twice, a third time if I really need it.
8:30am- But at 8:30 it’s time to get up. Seriously. Or I’ll be late. I shrug on my robe, go to the bathroom, scroll blearily through Tiktok for a few minutes. I’ll keep Tiktok running the entire time I’m getting ready. I don’t know when I became incapable of doing anything in silence. I’ll put on deodorant. I’ll get dressed. There really isn’t a dress code at school. When it was warmer outside, I saw students with crop tops on which shocked my American self raised on dress code citations. I still like to look nice though. I might wear some Taylor Swift merch to impress one of the High Schoolers who is an unapologetic Swiftie. I’ll usually settle on a sweater, jeans and tennis shoes- but the cute kind. I return to the bathroom. Brush my hair. Brush my teeth. Put my contacts in. Brush my hair. Do my makeup- for school it’s typically just foundation, mascara, blush, and lipstick I’ll bite off before I even get there. Brush my hair. Curse my thin fine hair and put it up in a claw clip.
9:00am- Time to go. I pop in my ever-present air pods (a gift upon college graduation) and play the top of my liked songs. I step out of the apartment, down the elevator, check out my outfit in the mirror, unlock two sets of doors, and start the walk. I’ll peek into the window at Zara’s. Walk past a few coffee shops. There’s a newspaper stand on the way. I’ve stopped enough times that the attendant will grab a coke from the fridge without asking me. I’ll buy said coke and a Mars Bar for breakfast (I never claimed to be a health girl). We’ve never spoken beyond “hola,” “coca por favor” “tarjeta” and “gracias!” (which is also almost all the Spanish I know) but I feel a sense of comradery with him.
9:15am- I make it to the bus station. It’s a huge, underground bus terminal with about a dozen different stations. These buses aren’t city buses, confined to Madrid’s center, but go out a little further into Madrid’s suburbs- my school being in one of them. I hope that by the time I get there the line isn’t too long to board my bus, or I’ll end up standing the whole time. The bus will arrive, sit there for just long enough that I’ll start sweating about being late, and then we’ll board. On Mondays, leaving at this time, I usually get a seat. Mornings on the bus is prime time to listen to music, and it will usually be quiet and emotional and too sad. Mostly Pheobe Bridgers. I’ll eat my Mars Bar. I might doze.
9:50am- I exit the bus, walk like 20 feet, and arrive at school. I’ll push the buzzer at the gate. I might have to push it again. Sometimes a third time. Then I’m let in.
9:55am- I have my first class- Technology. That usually goes one of four ways. Either I’m moderating a debate (in English) about a tech current event one of the students submitted, I’m talking to them and helping them with whatever their current project is, I’m playing computer games with them, or there’s not anything for me to do and I’ll go to the bilingual office and hang out.
10:05am- It’s recess for the Secondary students (High Schoolers). Spaniards eat lunch between 2–4pm, so the students typically pack a snack. Staff, however, go to the cafeteria and eat a provided breakfast. Most of the time it’s a ham sandwich, fruit, and a pre-packaged pastry. Sometimes someone brings a baked good. Sometimes we have toast with olive oil and tomatoes. If you want to know what Spanish cuisine is- it’s ham and olive oil. I’ll chat with the other Secondary Auxs (Aux is a shortened term for my job) over breakfast.
11:15pm- I walk back over to the Bilingual office for a work period. This time I use for whatever I need. I’ll create a presentation or activity for class, work on my book, write an article for Medium, prepare for my tutoring class, and if I really have nothing to do; watch YouTube.
12:10pm — Another Technology class. Rinse and repeat.
1:05pm- It’s time for one of my favorite classes- Advanced English. I have two sets of this class with two different teachers, twice a week. This one is small, only nine students. On Mondays we do conversation practice. I’ll pull them out in class (always in their friend groups because I’m a push over) and we’ll go to another classroom and practice conversation. Which is to say we just talk. When we get closer to their big Cambridge Exam at the end of the year we will do some focused work on the oral part of their exam, but for now they tell me about their weekends, what music they like, what Spanish singers to check out, ask me questions about where I’m from, etc. They’re awesome, and it’s a great way to end the school day.
2:00pm- Time to go home. I’ll ask the custodian to buzz me out at the gate and walk to the bus stop. Wait anywhere between 5–20 minutes for the next bus and hop on. It’s finally 7am back in the States, so I’ll call my dad while he’s on the way to work and catch up. Buses are for music- for some reason on the way home it’s often country. Which I never listened to before.
2:45pm- Walk home from the bus stop. Resist the urge to buy lunch.
3:00pm- Eat lunch, typically hummus, 2–3 warmed circles of pita bread, and a coke. I don’t drink coffee or energy drinks- let me have this. I’ll watch TV while I eat. When I’m done, I’ll complete anything I didn’t finish in my work period at school. Then I’ll move from my desk to my bed and keep watching whatever I’m watching to unwind. If I really need it, I’ll take a nap.
4:30pm- Time to leave again. I’ll get cute and walk to the metro stop, where I’ll board a train for 45 minutes towards the girl I tutor. Remember when I said buses were for calling dad and listening to music? Well, the metro is for calling mom or listening to a podcast while I play Fashion Makeover on my phone (cringe). I might read if I’m feeling overstimulated.
5:30pm- Arrive at my student’s apartment. She’s prepping for the PET Exam, the elementary school version of the Cambridge Exam, and is focused on expanding her vocabulary. We’ll do some vocab activities and maybe do a Mad Lib at the end for fun. Her mom gives us ritz crackers.
6:30pm- Leave her house. Get back on the metro.
7:30pm- Finally arrive home to stay there. Shrug off my shoes, take a deep breath, take a shower.
8:00pm- Eat dinner. I eat a lot of tacos, pasta… tacos and pasta. Most of the stuff I know how to make I can’t find the ingredients for in Spain- trying to expand my palate. On Mondays I’m usually eating leftovers from Sunday’s cooking. Watch whatever TV show I’m watching.
8:30pm- Do whatever! Maybe I’ll work on my book. Most of the time I play video games. I’ll occasionally call my friend from home to chat while I get my ass kicked by NPCs.
10:30pm- Get in bed. Watch TV or read a book. Wind down.
11:30pm- Call Dad. He gets sad if I don’t say goodnight. Scroll through Tiktok.
12:00pm- Go to sleep.
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Posted Oct 21, 2024

This is a blog post I wrote on Medium. Find it here!







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