Website for a local print shop

Tobias Zimmermann

Web Designer
Frontend Engineer
Web Developer


The customer needed a website quickly. The main feature is a complex price calculator for various different print products. Visitors should be able to instantly calculate prices in a quick and understandable fashion. The underlying pricing logic has to be adjustable easily by the print shop operator. Customers should then be able to upload their designs and order the product all in one form. Furthermore the website needed to feature an FAQ and some basic pages with information.


A WordPress website with a custom coded, responsive theme based on underscores. The FAQ was implemented using the WordPress standard blogging features (posts, tags, categories). The pricing forms were implemented using the plugin Calculated fields form with custom CSS and the pricing logic coded in Javascript. The website is easy to maintain, safe and secure through the use of a minimal amount of plugins and a custom coded theme.

My work:

Webhosting setup

WordPress installation and configuration

Custom coded pricing logic

Custom theme development

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