current job postion

Giselle Scott

Customer Support Representative
Data Analyst
Maples and Calder
junior analyst,
my general responsibilites include;
Attend to KYC related queries received from lawyers, clients and/or the Global Compliance Team, including monitoring requests received in the #KYC mailbox
Establish strong communication lines with lawyers and relevant staff in order to ensure that Know Your Customer (“KYC”) requests are dealt with efficiently and professionally
Review applicants for business and new clients in order to evaluate KYC requirements, understand the nature of business and identify any high risk areas
Obtain appropriate KYC documentation for applicants for business and clients
Ensure that Enhanced Due Diligence procedures are followed wherever high risk triggers are identified, escalating the matter to a SCA or the Compliance Officer (“CO”) as required
Ensure that applicants for business, clients and related compliance parties are entered into InterAction and the internal KYC database as required and that KYC approvals are accurate
Assist with InterAction administrative duties as may be required
Review changes to client profiles that may require refreshed KYC and/or updates to the system (e.g. director, shareholder changes)
Ensure that KYC documentation is approved and stored in accordance with internal policies
Ensure that non-compliant clients are identified and reported to the SCA or CO, and that steps are taken to remediate outstanding KYC information in a timely manner
Conduct KYC and refresher due diligence searches where necessary and report findings to the SCA or CO
Comply with non-compliant/closed file procedures
Assist the SCA and CO in investigating Bridger alerts and negative news findings and determine whether any matches could be considered positive results
Complete other duties as may be reasonably requested from time to time by the SCA or CO
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