After choosing 4 products to do a packaging audit on, I chose to focus my sustainability repackaging project on Tal hydration reusable straws. While doing this, I reviewed how the product was packaged, what the package looked like, the experience while opening the packaging. From there, I discovered the problems with Tal hydrations packaging design. The main problem that I encountered with the packaging design related to sustainability. Although the packaging was pretty small and easy to open; the purpose of the brand, what they stand for, along with the purpose of the product was based on reducing waste and reducing plastic waste-creating an eco-friendly product. However, the packaging of the product itself was contradicting to this. Immediately I recognized that the straws were wrapped in plastic, using a shiny ink on the cardboard that could have complications with recycling. Next I encountered the bag for the straws being stuffed with more plastic waste. After auditing the product, I gathered some inspiration, and brainstormed the potential the product had for creating a more sustainable package.