Swift Backend Development for Nuprizm

Joannis Orlandos


Backend Engineer

iOS Developer

Software Engineer




Nuprizm is a neutral news aggregator that allows individuals to stay informed on current events without being swayed by biased reporting or opinion pieces. Unlike other news sources, Nuprizm presents articles from multiple perspectives, providing readers with a more comprehensive view of the news. By presenting a diverse range of articles, Nuprizm encourages readers to form their own opinions, rather than being influenced by the media. Nuprizm's focus on neutrality and diversity makes it an excellent source for individuals who value a nuanced perspective on current events.


Nuprizm's backend is a robust and efficient system, written in Swift using the Vapor web framework and MongoKitten for database management. The use of Swift and Vapor allows for quick and agile development, while MongoKitten provides a reliable and scalable database solution. The backend is designed to handle a large volume of data, allowing Nuprizm to efficiently collect and organize news articles from a wide range of sources.
One of the key advantages of using Swift and Vapor for the backend is the ability to handle large amounts of load with minimal resources. This allows Nuprizm to collect and process data from multiple sources simultaneously, improving the speed and efficiency of the system. Additionally, MongoKitten's support for distributed databases enables Nuprizm to scale horizontally, providing the necessary resources to handle increasing amounts of data. Overall, Nuprizm's backend is a well-designed system that provides the necessary infrastructure to support the platform's mission of delivering a neutral and nuanced perspective on the news.

My Involvement

As the co-creator of Vapor and MongoKitten, and a member of the Swift Server Workgroup, my involvement was ideal to help Nuprizm get a quick time to market. My expertise in Swift, and influence in essential libraries, provides valuable insights and guidance to the Nuprizm team. This ensured that the platform's backend is efficient, scalable, and reliable.
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Posted Apr 11, 2023

I created the backend for Nuprizm, filtering through thousands of articles and aggregating feedback using MongoDB.






Backend Engineer

iOS Developer

Software Engineer


