Summit and Podcast Management

Agnes Bogardi


Project Manager



Created the workflows for the whole team to host a summit with 40 interviews, from reaching out to the speakers til selling the recordings, built the semi-automated system and managed the team to launch the summit on time - was a huge beast, but was an amazing experience.
I think that was my biggest project pulled up in 6 months, with admins, social media managers, designers, podcast and video editors and other project managers. This was in 2018-19 for an addiction summit while I was working for a VA company.
Also helped launching smaller summits, 3 day online networking events on the heysummit platform helping the host to manage all the moving bits and pieces, speakers promotions, setting up the system and adding the recordings to the platform. (2020 and 2021)
Helping with the marketing and email tasks.
I also helped managing podcasts for clients on libsyn (2016-18) and anchor and also launched 2 podcasts of mine (2018 and 2021) in the last 5 years. The latest one She Knows What works was basically 2 mini summits, I launched 10 episodes each at once with extra VIP content. We had over 900 min of content only in the the first season.
Love these big projects with loads of moving pieces, I thrive in coming up with the big picture and breaking it down to bite sized pieces for the team to follow.
Briefly describe the project you worked on. What did you create, who did you create it for, and how did you approach this project?
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Posted Jun 28, 2022

I've created and managed 2+ summits and 2+ podcasts, with and without a team






Project Manager



Agnes Bogardi

Online Business Manager | Project Manager

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