4 Working Pattern of people belonging from different countries

Kratika Puri


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The simple definitions of management are easy to do as it sounds because once a person enters the field of management, he/she needs to become a constant learner. They need to learn from each mistake made by them, and only then the organization will not tend to fall in long run.
Every culture brings some help as well as some harmful habits with it. Let’s shift from one to another to analyze the change.
When Samons entered the borders of New Zealand and started living there for a better standard of living, it became a new opportunity for New Zealand managers as they were already facing a lot of problems due to the lack of laborers at that time.
But due to the difference in their approaches, it became next to impossible for them to co-operate and work together.
As samons believes the oldest member of their family as their leader and never tries to create a distinguished image in front of their leader, the New Zealand managers were the opposite of this.
They were more interested in creating an Individualistic approach instead of a Collective one.
Samons members of the family believed that whatever their leader was telling them should be done without any further argument whereas New Zealand managers were more into thinking on their own. The managers of New Zealand tried to communicate with the person about their approach to a certain point or a problem but end up learning about their over-dependence on their leader. The people were not so much ready to accept the change whereas it was not so difficult for the managers of New Zealand.
Simultaneously, when Indians started migrating to New Zealand, they expected them to become their left hand. But due to High Power Distance Culture, Indians were far away from their expectations. Indians kept their ideas and thoughts to themselves instead of participating in discussions and decision-making processes. The managers of New Zealand tried to know the reason behind this silence and ends up learning that the communication gap between people was the real problem. Indians felt like if they open their mind during these discussions either they will be thrown out of the organization or the manager will perform the task in the same way as he wants to. They felt like there was no need for them to speak and tell the world about their ideas.
So, they kept agreeing on all the decisions being made by the managers of their organization. The lack of confidence in the security of their job profile made them agreeing upon every decision made by the organization. Their answer for every approach remained near to “Yes sir” which brought the managers with the lack of new ideas. And as the managers of New Zealand have their Low Power Distance Culture it was way too easy for them to ask questions for every decision being made by the manager and in giving their views on that.
In the last when Chinese people migrated to a large number in New Zealand. The managers tried to understand their working pattern to work hand in hand and to make the organization much more profitable than others. But, the Chinese were much more into the long-term orientation approach instead of New Zealand managers who were exactly the opposite. Chinese were full of new ideas and thinking but they had no courage to take risks and work in an organization, whereas they were brilliant in creating more and more creative ideas to work with the world. They want to get work that will be more beneficial in the long run and on the opposite site the New Zealand managers believe in investing and taking risks in every aspect. This created a lot of conflicts between cultural managers. As the Chinese were focusing more on the future aspects, the managers of New Zealand focused on working on short-term projects so to get rapid success.
The above three conditions explain a lot about the importance of knowing about the culture and working with the people belonging to it.
After all of these, the changes occurred with the working pattern of the managers of the organization, like with the samons they learned about teamwork. As samons believed in working together instead of working alone, the managers learn the power and strength of working together under the same umbrella. This will increase the work efficiency and can increase the productivity level between the people as there will be less confusion between people or members of the organization. After this when after the migration of Indian workers, they learned the importance of communication in an organization, and how much it can affect decision making.
They learned that if the communication gap between the subordinates and managers is kept narrow then it will end up increasing the quality of decisions made by the organization. And also how they can make their employees feel more and more confident about their jobs so to enhance their participation in the meeting of the company and enhance them to speak more about the ideas they have about any working pattern or any decision making. And as soon as the Chinese started migrating to New Zealand, they learned the real importance of X and Y theory, that the employees are sometimes self-motivated and sometimes they are not, so they need to be given continuous motivation so to enhance their productivity level. Sometimes, in management, people are not so confident to take risks and work with an approach of playing safer. At that time the manager should boost the morale of its employees and should make them think that bigger risks take bigger wealth maximization for the organization.
So, there were changes that happened in the working pattern of the manager as well as in the organization of New Zealand.
They understood the importance of learning about new cultures, the ways to reduce the communication gap, and the necessity of boosting morale among the employees.
My medium profile link for other sample drafts: https://kratikapuri.medium.com/
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Posted Apr 27, 2021






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Kratika Puri

A Content Writer who knows how to slide the eyes of the reader from first to the last word at 0.20x speed.

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