Woohoo I Graduated....Now What?

Hannah Brown

Creative Writer
Disclaimer: This is a mock article. This article is neither published online nor associated with Cosmopolitan in any way. It is meant to showcase my magazine writing skills in the relationship niche.
Imagin. You sitting in a large auditorium, families and friends cheering for their people as they get their five seconds of fame. A handshake, picture, and an empty diploma mark the accomplishment of a finished degree. Whether you are in high school, or graduating from college so many, dream of the day when you finally get that shiny new degree.
Then the next day comes. No ceremony, no more classes, the cap and gown get put away and Indeed gets opened up. If you aren't the portage that gets a job directly after college the next thing that comes in the good ol job search.
Job applicating after job application can slowly seem to suck all of the excitement of being a fresh graduate when you realize that you don't have the experience. So what do you do now? Do you give up? Do you go back to the horrors of working in retail? Or do you keep pushing forward for your dreams?
With such a dry job market it can seem nearly impossible to find the job you want. However through the struggles of rejection, or the imposter syndrome, many can feel you have to keep sight of the dreams you are hoping to accomplish. Remember the person you want to be and keep trucking along because through a sea of no's there will always come the opportunity of a yes.
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