A new brand identity and website design for fal.ai

Adam Ho

Brand Designer
Web Designer

Brand for a 3 letter-word company

Announcing their $23m raise, fal is tackling AI with a generative media platform for developers.

It's quite rare to create a brand for a 3 letter-word company. Some projects take some time to chip away at its core, but the founders at fal really embraced a yearning for expression and the create on an infinite canvas.

The core concept of this identity relies on the typographic system. It is three-pronged: the camera, the typewriter, and the processor. The image, the words, and the machine. All crucial primitives of what makes AI AI.

fal brand & website


The logo is simple, but ca represent many things. It's a knob. It's a shutter. It's a portal.

fal, originally short for "features and labels", is crefted with the main star of this entire identity. Focal by


as part of



fal logo

Core Concept

As expressive the brand is, the core concept of this identity actually relies on the typographic system. It is three-pronged: the camera (Focal), the typewriter (Hal Timezone), and the processor (Harber).

fal typographic system

Images speak

I could tak about the identity for days but it's an identity meant to be seen, not told.

Fal identity
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