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Overview 🔎

A student-run publication, emanating from the halls of the University of Santo Tomas, dedicated to the dissemination and exploration of the eternal and profound musings of the human mind, with philosophy as its niche.
This study explores Nietzsche's concept of Übermensch in the notion of racist social behaviors among Filipinos and aims to contribute to the examples of Filipino Übermensch, this study attempts to provide a groundwork or an essential foundation for future studies regarding the relationship between Racism and Übermensch. Through a closer investigation of racism, understood in the framework of Übermensch, this study aims to contribute to the persistent discourses concerning issues in colonial imperialism, globalization, influences of colonizers, socio-religious effects, and the like.
This research presents the general idea of racism and the historical context of how racism came into the world. It answered the question “What is racism?” This is followed by the historical accounts of experienced racism to date. The influences of the colonizers on the racist social behaviors among Filipinos are also expounded. Hence, the integration of the Übermensch and the Filipino is also discussed in this study.
The study concluded with the following findings: The Übermensch is a person who is strong enough to conquer humanity, with humanity defined as individuals who demonstrate life-denying values. The Nazi fallacy of Übermensch produced racism because they believed they were superior. Researchers suspect Nietzsche's sister (a Nazi enthusiast) altered his writings. Nietzsche was adamant that racism is not a path to Übermensch. Nietzsche thinks that Übermensch is acquired through self-conquest, not through force. Filipinos are more attracted to the western ideal
than to themselves, and racism is an ideology that grew over time and became closely related to nationalism, which Filipinos are rarely accustomed to. Nietzsche's Übermensch does not influence Filipino racism. Nietzsche considers the Übermensch humanity's goal. The Übermensch has polished his will to power and formed his values. The Übermensch is not a conqueror of others, but a conqueror of himself.
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Posted Jan 14, 2023

The Official Student Publication of The Ecclesiastical Faculty of Philosophy of University of Santo Tomas






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