DevOps Teamlead

Jeroen Baten


DevOps Engineer

Operations Lead

Teamlead of the DevOps team of 3 engineers. Fixing lots of technical debt. Manage the migration from Puppet to Ansible. Manage the start of a proof-of-concept Kubernetes (K3S) cluster and using AWX as the first application. Researching and managing the migration from CentOS 7 to RHEL 9 using Ansible.
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Posted Jul 15, 2024

Teamlead of the DevOps team of 3 engineers. Fixing lots of technical debt. Manage the migration from Puppet to Ansible. Manage the start of proof-of-concepts






DevOps Engineer

Operations Lead

Developing Ansible playbooks to configure Single Sign-on
Developing Ansible playbooks to configure Single Sign-on
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Writing "Jumpstart your business with Odoo 12"
Design a curriculum for a bachelor level technical university
Design a curriculum for a bachelor level technical university